several months ago i decided that what my life needed was a loom. this decision led to another; what i needed was a schacht baby wolf loom, 4 or 8 harness. i searched the internet to no avail, checked craigslist in a sweeping 250 mile range three times a week, and after several disappointments decided to sit on this decision.

about a week ago, following a little voice inside, i searched craigslist once again. maybe my stars were in alignment, maybe i was
not "a day late and dollar short", or perhaps the fibre gods were smiling, for i am now in possession of a 4-harness
baby wolf.

the story goes as such; a young couple moves into a house which they purchased from an older gentleman. the home was once shared by this man and his wife, who had a loom. the wife passes, and the man is left with a loom and a too large house. he sells this abode to the young couple and leaves the loom's fate for them to decide. they, having two small children, full time jobs, and not being partial to weaving, decide to find a new home for this loom. so they post it on craigslist. and so into this story weaves my thread, 5 hours time after this posting. a phone call, an offer, a zealous explanation of my love affair with textiles, an appointment time, directions gathered, car loaded into, tank of gas filled, a five hour car trip, and the loom was there, i could touch it and see it and take it home with me. her name is
sophy and we shall be friends for she is only one year younger than i.