
how's that for size

when i first saw the tiny kuchulu spindle on velma's blog, i knew i needed to lay my hands on one. just think of the possibilities; keep it in the purse and spin when waiting, packs light for airplane travel (and is under any bothersome length requirements), light and small enough to fit in even the littlest purses. ah, such simple joy!


Anonymous said...

hi anastasia, I introduced Velma to the kuchulu, love mine and am so happy you have discovered it, too. it's such a great little traveller.

anastasia said...

a million thanks for doing that; i'm having way too much fun with mine! so far today i've spun some white alpaca i helped shear, and had all washed and carded ready to spin. i'm thoroughly enchanted with it, and it spins like a dervish!

Velma Bolyard said...

hey, you two, i love the little spindle, too. it MAT e=reconcile me to spindle spinning (i did a lot of my first spinning on one, and left it behind, so to speak). don't you love how beautiful a tool it is, besides how wonderfully it works?

anastasia said...

yes, it's a very eye pleasing tool, and the delicate size is quite enchanting! most people who see it can't believe it works (well, the people who even know what it is, that is)!