islands are great
something's growing in here
well, maybe not. several weeks ago i tried my hand at growing a moss terrarium. it looked lovely for several days; then just kind of, well, died. i do tend to be that person that can't even keep a rock plant alive. weirdly enough though, i do really well with orchids.

while browsing @home yesterday i came across these little planters (they're around 1" deep x 3" long x 1-1.5" wide). there were three left, so i took them all home. remember, i have this fascination with all things miniature.
at first i was just going to uproot another patch of moss from outside and try my luck again at growing something. but when i woke up this morning i received a stroke of inspiration from an interview featured on etsy; i would needle felt some moss for my new planter!

digging into my box of felt, finding the right colors, grabbing my felting needles, i was glad of my crafting material hoarding ways; i didn't need to get in the car and drive an hour away to see my vision to fruition.
i started with a rich chocolate brown for the soil, mixed a lime green with a softer green for the moss, and felted them to fit into the planter, avoiding my fingers as much as possible. when it was done to my satisfaction, i took a regular needle and some thread to make the little spikes. i accented my first one with vintage stamens that i had also picked up. eh, voila! a non dyeing plant that i can put anywhere!
first look

if it moves is it still illustration?

finding that perfect coat
living in the south, especially in savannah, you wouldn't think finding a coat would be much of a priority. and for the most part, it isn't. never is it cold enough to actually wear one; with the exception of one or two days a year when it would be nice, but not necessary.
i tell myself this, but there remains a yearning. to have a coat one could wear forever, a coat where one could have an adventure in. there's this thinking that goes on in my head that sounds like a plan; obtain coat, move to the north, start to live the life you want, find your happiness. you know, a starting plan, a goal. if i could create a coat from wishes these would be ones i thought first of:living in the south, especially in savannah, you wouldn't think finding a coat would be much of a priority. and for the most part, it isn't. never is it cold enough to actually wear one; with the exception of one or two days a year when it would be nice, but not necessary.
i tell myself this, but there remains a yearning. to have a coat one could wear forever, a coat where one could have an adventure in. there's this thinking that goes on in my head that sounds like a plan; obtain coat, move to the north, start to live the life you want, find your happiness. you know, a starting plan, a goal. if i could create a coat from wishes these would be ones i thought first of:

orange fruit goodness
as i wandered around the grocery store the other day i came across a yellow bag filled with dried golden berries. i clutched at it eagerly and threw it into my basket. i love these little tart berries; never mind that they're packed with bioflavinoids and are from the land of the incas. i was introduced to them in the chocolate aisle (yes they have aisles with just chocolate, box after intoxicating box, filled with a variety of bars for every craving). they were a little box of yummy dark chocolate covered berries neighboring the box of dark chocolate covered guava i had been reaching for. i've never looked back, but those little boxes get pricey.
seeing an oft disliked color differently
there are a lot of superstitions regarding the new year and one in particular comes to mind; what you're doing on the first day of the year is a premonition of the coming 365 days. so i decided to get to work on a new cushion instead of lazing about mindlessly watching the tv and playing games on the computer.
while taking a workshop at my alma mater this last spring i was rummaging about in the scrap bins looking for some lovely bits of discarded fabric when lo and behold i came across two narrow pieces of a fantastic vibrant silk pattern. i looked deeper, but couldn't find anymore.

i've been keeping the two pieces but didn't have anything quite like it in my collection until i bought some liberty tana lawn. one of the prints that caught my eye had similar colors to the silk strips, so yesterday i finally put everything together and created a long narrow cushion mirroring the horizontal patchwork center.

i have to say that this one is a bit of a departure for me, what with the darker hues and use of black. but i rather like the vibrancy of the composition.